
Open Borders are Our Only Hope

Open borders are the difference between a sociopathic prisoner’s dilemma stuck in recursive loops for the rest of ours species’ miserable hell of an existence, or a dimension of wonders beyond what we’re capable of even considering.

Ungovernable Internet with Scuttlebutt

Imagine a world where we weren’t trapped by geographical tribalism and isolated from the brilliant work happening all over the world. These types of advances are some of the key structural elements to creating a truly radicalized globalism, solidarity, and meaningful empathy. We need tools like this to make the internet ungovernable and maximize the degrees of freedom each being can access and meaningfully sort.

The Conversations We Can’t Have:

Social Capital and Violence in Radical Communities – There are conversations that radical communities need to have that are obstructed by accumulation of social capital and power. These are especially difficult and essential where violence is concerned.

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